Facebook Games

The main reason behind the creation of these games is the promotion of various products/events via an interactive and viral way.

The games I create inside facebook all use the Facebook API as a base and jQuery to create the various required effects. All the games are based on the same platform I have created that allows for user management, statistic analysis and provides a basic CMS functionality for the games' content.

LG 10 Year Anniversary

This campaign was designed to promote the anniversary of LG's 10 years in Greece. A game was created where the players were asked to go through a house room-by-room, "recycle" the old appliances and replace them with the new LG ones. When the player finished the "upgrading" of his/her house he won the game and was automatically added in a draw for a set of big prizes.

Taft: The power of powder

This campaign was designed to promoted the new product line of Taft in Greece. Through the game the player learns how to use the new product and also get's to play a card game to enter a lottery for great prizes.

The first part of the game the player is asked to put a series of images in the correct order using drag-n-drop. In the second part of the game the player is engaged in a "Top Trumps" card game featuring the various products the client wanted to promote. Each day a draw is performed giving away products as prizes while a bigger prizes are also given at the end of a 2-month period.

Contact Info

  • Konstantinos Manos
  • Thessalonikis 13,
  • Greece, Piraeus, 18545
  • Tel: (+30) 6977 466405
  • Email: konstantinos at kman.gr
  • Γ.Ε.Μ.Η.: 056333409000

Signature Quote

"Life armoured me with Serenity to accept things I can not change,
Courage to change things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference"